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Tax Services Information Center

Tax Services Information Center

Homestead and Farmstead Exclusions

A program that may make possible a real estate tax reduction of the owner, this exclusion in accordance with Act 1 of 2006, formerly Act 72 – Homeowners Tax Relief of 2004, 

Document Center

Here you will find documents and forms, Board of Assessment Appeals information, Tax Claim list, forms, and more.

Important Dates

Important Adams County Tax Dates, billing and application and forms receive by dates.

Per Capita Tax Roll

PA State Law requires counties to maintain a personal/per capita tax roll that lists all individuals by their job title, occupation, and assessment. 

Clean and Green Program

The Assessment Department is charged with the responsibility of administering the Clean and Green Program in the County.

Property Improvement Certification

The cost of an Adams County Property Improvement Certification is $5.00. Property owners are required to obtain this certification for any improvement of $4,700 or greater. Please include the corresponding municipal permit or exemption letter and payment with this application. Checks can be made payable to the County of Adams. 

Tax Collectors

Adams County Tax Collectors, addresses and contact information.

Tax Services Fees

View application, transfer, copies, permit, card, and certification fees.

Mobile Home Property Improvement Certification

The cost of an Adams County Mobile Home Property Improvement Certification is $5.00. Property owners are required to obtain this certification for any improvement of $4,700 or greater. Please include the corresponding municipal permit or exemption letter and payment with this application. Checks can be made payable to the County of Adams.