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Reentering Foster Care

Reentering Foster Care

Did You Leave Foster Care/Placement and Change Your Mind? Do You Need Help Now?

If you re-enter care, you will have:

  • a place to live.
  • health insurance and access to medical and behavioral health treatment providers.
  • help from people like social workers, case managers, your lawyer and child advocates who can help you get services and plan for your future; and 
  • court reviews of your case where a judge will make sure you are getting what you need. 

To learn more about the benefits, your responsibilities and find out how to re‐enter care contact: 

  • Adams County Children and Youth Services at 717-337-0110 or 888-337-1607

You must have aged out of foster care/placement, still be under 21, and currently be doing at least one of the following:

  • Completing high school or an equivalent program (like a GED preparation program). 
  • Enrolled in college, community college, a vocational program or trade school.
  • In a program or activity that will help you get a job. 
  • Working at least 80 hours per month; or
  • You cannot do any of the activities listed above because of medical or behavioral health condition. 
Most young people are not ready to live on their own at age 18 and continue to need support and guidance as they get ready to be independent adults. Re‐entering care gives you a place to live, health insurance and other services you may need until you turn 21 years old or are ready to be on your own. This support can help you meet your goals for education, employment, saving money, and even connecting or reconnecting with your family.

Reenter Foster Care Image