Children and Youth Services Guide
Children and Youth Services Guide
The Adams County Children and Youth Services Mission:
Is to provide a work environment that is educational, responsive, efficient, and safe for our staff, so we can deliver high quality services to ensure that each child and youth in Adams County has a safe and permanent family.
This guide was developed for those being served by Adams County Children and Youth Services
This guide gives you information about ACCYS, how we can work together, and what may happen while you and your family are working with ACCYS. This guide also gives you information about your rights and responsibilities and your child’s rights and responsibilities. It also explains ACCYS’ and the legal system’s rights and responsibilities.
Esta guía fue desarrollada para aquellos que son atendidos por los Servicios para Niños y Jóvenes del Condado de Adams
Esta guía también le brinda información sobre sus derechos y responsabilidades y los derechos y responsabilidades de su hijo. También explica los derechos y responsabilidades de ACCYS y del sistema legal.